Category Archives: Random link

What I’ve been reading lately

I’ve really enjoyed the following blogs of late: – amateur personal finance advice from Scott Bliss.  Usually thoughtful and interesting posts for everyday financial issues. Cake Wrecks – professional cakes gone wrong.  Oddly addictive.  I’m always surprised at the … Continue reading

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Ancient Pompeii

Forking street in ancient Pompeii, originally uploaded by gisleh. Check out the grooves worn into the roads in ancient Pompeii by the chariots. Apparently they were also subject to detours from roadwork, one-way streets and traffic jams. Darn New York … Continue reading

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Random Wikipedia factoid of the day

Beer was prohibited in Iceland until 1989. This was too crazy a fact for me to just trust Wikipedia on.  Sure enough: Beer was illegal in Iceland until 1989.  Yes, this is not a misprint.  Iceland, like the USA, underwent … Continue reading

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Random amusing link of the day – Kasper Hauser

Was sent this by a work colleague. While there is some dross, there are some incredibly hilarious moments on the Kasper Hauser website. The SkyMaul and Wedding Announcements come highly recommended.

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Wikipedia article of the day – Banach-Tarski Paradox

As found from a commenter on Hacker News, the Banach-Tarski Paradox is described as thus: The Banach–Tarski paradox is a theorem in set theoretic geometry which states that a solid ball in 3-dimensional space can be split into several non-overlapping … Continue reading

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Is there anything Wikipedia doesn’t know? The Palace of the Soviets

Through Google Reader, to BoingBoing, to Modern Mechanix, I found the following Wikipedia article detailing the Palace of the Soviets, which I found fascinating. The 30s was a heady time for large scale architecture in Europe. Albert Speer rose through … Continue reading

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