Category Archives: Startups – the next Google?

From the way Mike Arrington carries on about it (oh and a bit more here too), you’d think so.  My initial impressions are quite different (to be fair, he does state “…it doesn’t appear to have the depth of results … Continue reading

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Bubble 2.0

Annoying parodies aside, this is pretty spot-on. [youtube:]

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The Anti-Portfolio

Found this great link from Hacker News – Bessemer Venture Partners’ anti-portfolio. Everyone likes to highlight their strengths and past successes, but there’s something impressive about being able to admit mistakes, on your corporate site no less.  I can only … Continue reading

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Turn your iPhone into a wifi Skype phone

There has been a lot of buzz on the intertubes today about Fring.  They’re an Israeli startup who released a fairly popular mobile chat client.  That’s simplifying things – in addition to supporting every major IM client, Fring automatically logs … Continue reading

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